What Does Sustainability Really Mean?

Sustainability in Yoga 

What does sustainability REALLY look like?


Amidst our current political fallout here in the UK, you may be looking for some certainty. Equally, you may be excited for all of the possibilities of change that are now leering. I want to assure you that Yatay will be here fulfilling the needs of both corners. 

You see, we recently made our way over to West Lexham, in Norfolk, for a wonderful retreat. It was organised by the fabulous Lucy Mills, a Pilates Instructor, from YourIdealFit who brought together the cutting edge leaders of sustainability and healthy living. Yatay was proud to be there providing a comfortable place for people to explore their health and physical fitness. 



As you may know, eating healthily, exercising and creating space for that personal growth we're told so often is necessary to become a better person is not always easy, and actually, can be quite a lot to take on. Here, in this place, with these people, we were able to collectively to experience how this transformation may be more sustainable. But how can you do it with your busy life?

It seems the best way for you to begin this is actually by doing exactly what you are doing now. Small steps that lead to big changes, and creating habits you can add to, instead of diving into the new person you want to be and hoping you fit.

Take this for instance, the fact that you are reading this now means that you have either already become a member of the Yatay tribe by purchasing your own kit, or maybe you have signed up because you are interested in joining one day. This is great!



The one consistent part of your yoga and indeed pilates exercise, besides yourself, is your mat. Have you thought about investing in something that is designed both for the future of the planet and your own? That thing that would make your enjoyment for your practice grow, your ease of accessing yoga more accessible (being so lightweight), and surrounding yourself with beautiful things that make you intrinsically happy?

For us, sustainability isn't simply about making equipment that is safe for your bodies and the planet. It's about making that dream life a reality today. And that stronger, happier and healthier you present in every moment from here onwards, instead of someday soon.

What will your next step be?



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